Collection: Sewnota
Sewnota has one simple rule in its design: no sewing. Pronounced like sonata, I designed this line of products for use in workshops where the organizers wanted to have leatherwork, but done in an hour or less. Instead of shrinking the project, I decided to take out a step. While saddle sewing leather makes it unbelievably durable, it is a slow process that wouldn't be done for most people in the 1-hour time frame. I decided if we limited the process to cutting the leather, even an inexperienced maker could probably end up with a finished product. I found I enjoyed the challenge of working with the no-sewing limitation, and went ahead an developed several patterns that can be assembled from only the leather in the kit.
I'm now making the Sewnota products available on my shop; Go Mode, Fold-it-yourself, and as flat patterns.
Go Mode: A fully finished product. Each one is assembled by me to ensure that it is properly folded. Good for gifts, treating yourself, or people who prefer the designer handles the whole process.
(COMING SOON) Fold-it-yourself: A cut, flat pattern that comes with a folding instruction booklet (which is why it's not available yet). Good for gifts or people who like a little DIY, without needing all the tools.
(COMING SOON) Flat pattern: A printable pattern for people who want the full DIY experience. You will need a workspace and tools, but you get full control over the process, and can build it with any of the optional pattern modifications.
(COMING SOON) Flat pattern: A printable pattern for people who want the full DIY experience. You will need a workspace and tools, but you get full control over the process, and can build it with any of the optional pattern modifications.